A talk from the members who run Loose Joints in the South of France (Photobook publishing). Here are some notes from the talk and a quick reflection. I will attach the other photographers' links (ones I find) to this blog.
You Make Me Feel (Mighty Real)

Self Published in 2010.
The first thing was ever done in terms of putting pictures onto a page
Exploring photography and narrative.
Born out of curiosity.
Self-taught using InDesign
Add to dialogue around contemporary photography.

A publisher that he ran with Alex Webb (Photographer)
Linktree: https://linktr.ee/webb_norriswebb
Website: https://www.webbnorriswebb.co/
Gather photographic talents that stumbled across to bring together
exhibitions and publications
Minus Five

Some example of people include:
Bobby Doherty
Website: https://bobbydoherty.net/
Maisie Cousins
Website: https://www.maisiecousins.com/
Harry Mitchell
Website: https://www.harry-mitchell.com/
Five photographers five images
These were the start to:

think about:
Susanna Isaac

first time think about how material print technique format informs the feeling and atmosphere of a body of work.
Makes body of work within the landscape in a poetic and associative place.
use extra elements to give presence.
Sean Vegezzi

Photographer and his friends explored abandoned and disregarded areas from New York City. More than just traveling around abandoned cities
More technical details
Teaching themselves book design
experience with more book fairs.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/seanvegezzi/?hl=en
Website: https://www.seanvegezzi.com/
Loose Joints

wanting to further dialogue with a more contemporary artist.
how the book can nurture and really develop the narrative of certain artists' work.
start of consideration of design and format coming together
Side project
Part-time job
Elemer - Martin Pulaskic

Hungarian artist
Began in Budapest
Collaborative work showing Still Life and fragility and tension.
How to help Extract work to form a narrative
Website: https://hoochiekoochie.blog/
Bruises - Samara Scott

came from conversation
collaboration with each other
things that informed her sculpture work
visual sketch work of her practice
Playful narrative
Sean Vegezzi - DMYCC

625 Pages - Biggest ever published
Editing down 11000 images
Giant tunnel underneath the Manhattan bridge
10 years in the making
Documenting everything from recleaning the underground spot
Using wooden boards for presentation
The book became the work and the purpose of the design is to represent a secret inspired by the process.
Reflection of work so far

Seeing how these are made it is good to play with design.
Sometimes all it takes is to play around with software to learn skills.
Pages can range depending on the purpose of the work.
Design is a range of format size communication of work.
Creatively speaking sometimes discarded work can make a good art piece and stretch the boundary of what society finds normal and create work.
Part II coming soon...