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Work by Marc Wilson

Writer: marisabel matiasmarisabel matias

Updated: Mar 5, 2022


In this blog, I will discuss the talk I attended from Marc Wilson about his work and the context. Sharing his Quotes, Questions, Information, and overall notes. I recommend you all take a look at his work the link to his Instagram, and Linktree is below.

First work

  • WW2 Work - Coastline Northern Europe

  • Looked at how objects sit on the landscape around them.

  • Start - composition - Went to location multiple times to get the perfect shot. through this found a way of working. Looking for what he wants to say.

  • Found the right visual language

Newest Work - The Beginning

  • Title: A Wounded Landscape - Bearing witness to the Holocaust.

  • About: places, peoples, stories from the survivors of the Holocaust.

  • Showed an Internment Camp - Taken to other places.

  • Wanted to look for the K-12 children sector - the space around him directed his work.

  • Found his symbolism for the flowers that inspired his motivation for the work.

A wounded Landscape

  • Bearing Witness

  • Concentration camp visit

  • Went to places that people have said and went to and discovered new information.

  • Work to tell the story of the victims

  • Paid work through talking and other work

  • 22 stories 135 places - not a choice... what the work needed - never chose a person - Survivors wanted to share their story.

  • Information first-person Interview (Conversation).

    • The question was: Where were you born... starts the conversation.

    • Portraits are taken after a conversation.

    • They showed him who they wanted to show.

  • Method: Conversation - family - location


  • Commercial Work- Paid for the life you want.

  • Memory / History within the landscape.

  • Sharing prints in a box is a nice idea. + Audio Interview creates a new experience.

  • Refers to himself as a storyteller... I agree.

  • *Concentration camp used ashes to fertilize the soil for vegetation. *


Showed me a new way of approaching my work. The book is beautiful, the way he spoke about his work showed how important the is to him. Was a pleasant experience to hear about his work and the reason why. All in all an amazing experience. Can't wait to see where his work takes him next.


' It's not just about taking photographs.'

' Things that happened in the past are important. The present is the past.'

' If open yourself up amazing things happen.'

'Making expansive work deadlines - Set for yourself. '

Key Question asked

  • His question to the group:

    • Who do you think your work is for?

      • I honestly thought it was for the general public. His answer is the person the work is about.

      • I believe this falls under the category of Documentary - sharing someone's story.



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