In this blog, I will discuss the talk I attended from Marc Wilson about his work and the context. Sharing his Quotes, Questions, Information, and overall notes. I recommend you all take a look at his work the link to his Instagram, and Linktree is below.

First work
WW2 Work - Coastline Northern Europe
Looked at how objects sit on the landscape around them.
Start - composition - Went to location multiple times to get the perfect shot. through this found a way of working. Looking for what he wants to say.
Found the right visual language

Newest Work - The Beginning
Title: A Wounded Landscape - Bearing witness to the Holocaust.
About: places, peoples, stories from the survivors of the Holocaust.
Showed an Internment Camp - Taken to other places.
Wanted to look for the K-12 children sector - the space around him directed his work.
Found his symbolism for the flowers that inspired his motivation for the work.

A wounded Landscape
Bearing Witness
Concentration camp visit
Went to places that people have said and went to and discovered new information.
Work to tell the story of the victims
Paid work through talking and other work
22 stories 135 places - not a choice... what the work needed - never chose a person - Survivors wanted to share their story.
Information first-person Interview (Conversation).
The question was: Where were you born... starts the conversation.
Portraits are taken after a conversation.
They showed him who they wanted to show.
Method: Conversation - family - location

Commercial Work- Paid for the life you want.
Memory / History within the landscape.
Sharing prints in a box is a nice idea. + Audio Interview creates a new experience.
Refers to himself as a storyteller... I agree.
*Concentration camp used ashes to fertilize the soil for vegetation. *

Showed me a new way of approaching my work. The book is beautiful, the way he spoke about his work showed how important the is to him. Was a pleasant experience to hear about his work and the reason why. All in all an amazing experience. Can't wait to see where his work takes him next.
' It's not just about taking photographs.'
' Things that happened in the past are important. The present is the past.'
' If open yourself up amazing things happen.'
'Making expansive work deadlines - Set for yourself. '
Key Question asked
His question to the group:
Who do you think your work is for?
I honestly thought it was for the general public. His answer is the person the work is about.
I believe this falls under the category of Documentary - sharing someone's story.
His Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marcwilsonphoto/
His Linktree: https://linktr.ee/marcwilson