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3 readings and what I learned

Writer: marisabel matiasmarisabel matias

Updated: Feb 11, 2022


Today I will share some things I found interesting and possibly useful information for Photographers and or artists.

Fine art Photography Creating beautiful images for sale and Display by Terry Hope

  • Similar to the book below but I was paying more attention to selling work and showing work myself. This text explains a few things to keep in mind like relationships with the owners of some locations, distributors, clients, the work, and the space. There are areas that they focus on like framing, presentation, and selling the work; making sure if it is worth it and keeping in consideration the method of which one does including digital and print (Given the example or case study of Andy Small's website)

Exhibiting Photography a practical guide to displaying work by Shirley Read

  • When it comes to exhibiting work it is dependent on what the purpose of the photograph is like sharing a narrative or sharing a series. This is all depending on the research done and finding where you fit within this industry. Sharing through the digital world like websites and sharing work through social media and or photo-sharing sites.

    • Resources shared:

      • for photo-sharing sites: Flickr / SmugMug / Shutterfly / Snapixel / 23

      • for portfolio host: Squaresapce / layerSpace / View Book / Live Books / FolioLink / Zen / Photoshelter / Carbonmade / Cargo Collective / Click Booq

      • for Blog platforms: Tumblr / Blogger / WordPress

Open See by Jim Goldberg

  • For photobooks to share a narrative the work does not need to stand alone, the work can have doodles, handwritten notes on the subject, the image presented can be an image or scan of the image. Keeping the style of work casual works too. as shown above. Keynote for bookmaking be sure what binding you want for the topic (The more work the stronger you will need the binding).


These are just some books I found useful and my interpretation of the books. With the example and resources listed above, I will be looked at later. For now, I have more focus on where I want to take my work. Maybe. Fine, it helped with research for my work.

- Till Next Time -



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